
Lithops Lithops leslei v albinica (left)


Lithops optica 'rubra' (right)

Lithops leslei v albinica Lithops leslei v albinica (C036)
The body colours of Lithops vary greatly as do the patterns of the markings on them. The richer and more distinctively coloured bodied plants are - of course - the most sought after by collectors. The upper picture givers an indication of the colour range from the green Lithops leslei v albinica to the reddish colour of L. optica 'rubra'.

The second picture again shows Lithops leslei v albinica (this time a Cole numbered form, C036) showing it as a larger clump and with the white flowers nearly ready to open.
Photographs by : John Ellis (top) and John Gamesby (bottom)


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